Saturday, April 19, 2014

Bill 14 - Justice Statutes Amendment Act, 2014, Amending WESA, has Passed and Been Given Royal Assent

Bill 14, which contains an amendment to section 2 (2) of the Wills, Estates and Succession Act , has passed, and was given Royal Asset on April 9, 2014. Section 2 (2) sets out when people cease to be spouses for the purpose of the Act. You can read about the amendment in my previous post here.

Bill 14 also contains a number of other amendments to WESA.

The amendments to WESA went into force on Royal Assent.

As I wrote here, Bill 14 also amends (and fixes) the Family Law Act provisions concerning entitlements of spouses to assets held in discretionary trusts on separation.The Family Law Act amendments will come into force by regulation.

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