“Rule of Law” is both a play on my name, and a statement of my values. The rule of law is a foundation for both our liberties and for order. The rule of law respects us as equals. It allows us to organize our lives, plan our futures, and resolve disputes in a rational way. There are those around the world and throughout history who have fought in great struggles for the rule of law. My role is more modest. I am a lawyer at the law firm of Sabey Rule LLP who works with people, assisting them with estate planning, probate and estate administration. I also assist people in resolving disputes about wills and estates. In this blog, I write about some of the legal topics that I deal with in my law practice, and about other legal issues that interest me. In doing so, I hope that I help others learn more about law, and that I encourage discussion about law and law reform. I hope that, in some small way, I help nurture the rule of law. You may contact me at my office at #201 - 401 Glenmore Rd., Kelowna, B.C., Canada; V1V 1Z6; telephone number: (250) 762-6111.
Wayne L. Morse United States Courthouse, Eugene, Oregon
I took these photographs while I was passing through Eugene, Oregon, last month. This courthouse was completed three years ago, and was named after former U.S. Senator Wayne Morse. The courthouse was designed by architect Thom Mayne. I found an interesting article on the design by Clifford A. Pearson in Architectural Recordhere.
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